Here it is...
- earn my master's degree
- save more money for retirement
- learn to play poker
- date like I should have in my twenties
- travel to Europe
- maintain a successful non-profit
- visit Melissa in LA
- let my family & friends know what each really means to me
- be featured in print for something good
- conquer my fear of heights
- take my children to one of America's natural beauties
- be able to do a cartwheel & headstand again
- draft my children's book
- visit the Chicago Botanic Gardens
- road trip more often
- purchase new living room furniture
- stop being so afraid
- ride in a Corvette
- drive that Corvette
- be a mother my children can admire
- travel to Greece for my 40th birthday with my best girls
- have a savings account... with a respectable balance
- grow my hair high school long
- learn to sew better
- see family & friends more often
- drink more wine
- take a photography class
- search for my second chance at love
- declutter
- have a fish for a pet
- start a study/tutor group for high school students
- return to scrapbooking
- get a mammogram
- take a yoga class
- play with the kiddos more... more... more
- have a well-trained dog
- try not to look and dress like a frumpy almost 40 year old
- remain true to myself
- keep writing
- start a 50 Before 50 list
Let's see what happens next...
Good luck! Sounds like a great list. I know you will have lots of fun obtaining them all!